Aws Https S3 Static Web

This tutorial assumes you have followed the previous tutorial on how to setup a personal web site with Hugo and host it in AWS S3.

First lets create a new certificate for the domain name. Navigate to the ACM service. Request a new certificate for * and It will ask how you want to validate the ownership of the DN. Use DNS. AWS asks whether you want to create a CNAME record automatically, say yes. Complete the process.

You should have a certificate now!

Now navigate to CloudFront AWS service. Create a distribution, select Web. Choose your S3 bucket which is hosting the static website,


You can chose either to redirect HTTP to HTTPS or allow only HTTPS

https only

Finally select custom SSL certificate and choose the certification you created.


Leave the rest as default. Creating the distribution can take some time so be patient. Eventually you should be able to access you website on HTTPS.